so, what are your plans for this?sit i included?> ...yeah? what do YOU think?

......were you with pr3tt?she didn't want to come here.did she tell you why?> wanted to see the end by herself, i guess. i don't really get it.

that's fair.......
you don't have the gun?
> ..lost it.

how???i really don't want to spend my last minutes on this place looking for it. it should be in the fridge though.we don't have a the bathroom, then?no.> ...did you tell pr3tt that it's actually a replica with plastic bullets?.

oh you fucking SUCK. it is 100% real and you can't prove otherwise (because i don't have it)oh, the sun's receding.> like a hairline?

can you be serious for once? what if the explosion separates us for years and THIS is the last exchange we've had?won't happen! i have the perfect plan.> what is it?

> oh. yeah.

You got the GOOD ENDING: same place.1 GOOD ENDING
ohhh, you got this one! this game is a mess, i have no idea how did you manage to end here. congrats!(BACK TO MENU)

.... i think I'd be much more worried if it didn't.> enough! let's leave.

let's do that.

see you never, apartment! you were home.>

... i don't like change. i like things you can predict, and patterns!>

thing is, change is a given, and patterns can be unpredictable.> a paradox. friends are unpredictable patterns themselves.when i think i understand the way pr3tt thinks, or assume 1081 will trip with the exact fucking rock by the door that he trips over every thursday,

pr3tt reveals that she thinks crabs are venomous,and 1081 just. doesn't trip over the rock.>

> i am sure they're doing it on purpose.

> oh, cool. we're here.

... you've probably heard about this before, if you're from around here,> but there's a kind of urban legend, about the sun.